Poznata holivudska glumica Demi Mur pojavila se u poznatoj emisiji Džimija Falona, u okviru koje je najavila nove filmske projekte.
Iako nam je na prvi pogled delovalo sve u redu, jer je ova lepotica plenila pažnju svojom lepotom, Demi je rekla da se iza nje krije velika korekcija koju je nedavno uradila.
- Izgubila sam prednje zube. Volela bih da mogu da kažem da sam vozila skejtbord ili da sam ostala bez njih na neki drugi kul način, ali mislim da je važno da ovo podelim pošto mislim da je to, posle srčanih bolesti, verovatno jedan od najčešćih uzroka smrti u Americi, a to je stres - rekla je ona.
- Zbog stresa sam izgubila prednje zube. Ali, zbog ove emisije posetila sam zubara. Izgubila sam oba zuba, ali na slici imam samo jedan manje - objasnila je Demi.
Don't stress and thank modern dentistry!! •••••••••••••••• Demi Moore appeared on “The Tonight Show” and told host Jimmy Fallon about how she lost her two front teeth. “I sheared off my front teeth. I’d love to say it was skateboarding or something really kind of cool, but I think it’s something that’s important to share, because I think it’s literally, probably after heart disease, one of the biggest killers in America, which is stress,” Moore, 54, shared. “Stress sheared off my front teeth. But, in an effort to get ready for you, I wanted to make sure my teeth were in.” “They happened a year apart but the fact remains that I sheared off both my front teeth,” she told us. “Thank God for modern dentistry. Without it, I wouldn’t be smiling on the red carpet.” #dentistry #visitsacramento #sacramento #healthybody #oralhealth #oralhealth #bruxism #dds #dentist #demimoore #smile #brendathedentist916 #sacramento #sacramento365 #sacramentodentist #tonightshow #ghost #charliesangels #dentaltip #dentalgram
A post shared by Brenda L Boyte DDS (@brendathedentist916) on Jun 13, 2017 at 5:46pm PDT