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"Znali smo da nas čeka mnogo posla, ali nismo očekivali da ćemo ispod džakuzija otkriti tunel", rekla je Hejli Gilmartin pa pokazala kako su istražujući tunel završili u velikoj prostoriji ispunjenoj vodom.

"Vodu nije moguće ispumpati jer je prostorija povezana s jezerom Hjuron pomoću velike cevi", objasnila je u snimku.

@hayleyg099 Took out the Jacuzzi in the house we purchased 4 years ago and found a manhole to a room that goes 20ft under the house. Of course Trevor wanted to get in and swim around. Ended up finding another passage with a bolted wooden wall infront if it. To be continued when the water gets warmer #creepy #mystery #houseproject #hiddenroom #gopro #history #secret ♬ Spooky, quiet, scary atmosphere piano songs - Skittlegirl Sound

Vlasnici su počeli da istražuju istoriju kuće kako bi saznali čemu je služila prostorija. Budući da se jezero Hjuron nalazi na granici između Kanade i SAD, pretpostavljaju da je tunel i skrivena prostorija služili za švercovanje alkohola između te dve zemlje u vreme prohibicije.

Pretpostavku potvrđuje i činjenica da je još nekoliko njihovih komšija ispod svojih domova otkrilo tunele koji vode do skrivenih prostorija.

@hayleyg099 Update! Part2!! Since everyone knows our house, we thought we would share what we do know! This is not a septic and not a basement. This room is still getting water from Lake Huron/the river, that it is connected to.( thus why its impossible to pump the water out) We tore out the jaccuzi because it was broke and way too much to fix since it was from the 70s. Nothing drains into this room from our house. We do know that our house was a pumping station back in the day. We haven’t tore down the wooden wall, but that is next! The last part of the video is of the pipe in the lake that is connecting to the room under our house which is supplying it fresh water. We definetly will keep updating and hope to find out more and seal it off, if possible! For those who dont know how big the Great Lakes are… they are huge, surrounding all of MI, and are fresh water. The room water temp is about 52degrees which is a couple degrees warmer than Lake Huron. @TrevorHayley G #update #mystery #hiddenroom #jacuzzi #part2 #creepy ♬ Spooky, quiet, scary atmosphere piano songs - Skittlegirl Sound

Osim toga, vlasnici su pronašli blokirana drvena vrata u podzemnoj prostoriji, koja tek treba otvoriti.

"Nastavićemo istraživanje. Ako bude moguće, ispumpaćemo vodu i možda jednom prostoriju pretvorimo u kuglanu", rekla je vlasnica.



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