Foto: Alo/Foto: printscreen/TikTok

Lija Mankuso, fotograf iz Skotsdejla, za dve godine uspela je da smrša 90 kilograma jer je odlučila da iz svog života izbaci brzu hranu, a ubaci više fizičke aktivnosti.

"Shvatila sam da su moje fizičko, mentalno i emocionalno zdravlje međusobno povezani", izjavila je Lija , a preneo portal "Biznis Insajder".

Kako je navedeno, Lija se čitav život borila sa viškom kilograma. Shvatila je da je, otkad je smršala, doživela veliku transformaciju ličnosti i da je dugo vremena verovala da je njen prethodni, nezdrav život bio lakši.


@leahhopehealth It’s not just my eyes that were heavier then… all of me was. And I don’t just mean literally. The simplest things were an inconvenience to me. What was easy for others was a burden for me. My heart was heavy knowing I was missing out on so much life. My mind was heavy knowing I was the only one standing in my way. I was weighed down in every way and that weight held me back from so many experiences, relationships, dreams, goals, opportunities, peace, and freedom! It’s never too late to become the person you want to be. It’s never too late to work towards becoming a healthier version of yourself. It’s never too late to change your daily habits. It’s never too late to go after the life you dream of. It’s never too late to invest in yourself. You are worth the time. You are worth the effort. You are worth the energy. You’re worth it all! 💜 #weightlosstransformation #weightlossprogress #naturalweightloss #healthjourney ♬ Girl in the Mirror - Megan Moroney

"Mislila sam da je moj život lak i zato sam htela da tako i ostane. Nisam želela da izađem iz te zone komfora, ali to bilo sve samo ne istina," rekla je ona i dodala da je, za razliku od mnogih koji praktikuju raznorazne dijete, nije bila na striktnom režimu ishrane.


"Isprobala sam nekoliko popularnih varijanti za gubljenje kilograma, ali sam posle svakog vratila to malo izgubljenih kilograma. A onda sam naučila kako da smršam na zdrav način," dodala je Lija i sa svojim pratiocima na TikToku podelila njene dve najvažnije lekcije koje je naučila u procesu.

1. Stekla je nova životna iskustva

"Mislila sam da će mi život biti lakši ako bude praktikovala nezdrave obrasce, koje sam sama sebi stvorila, ali onda sam shvatila da me je debljina samo sputavala u životu, jer sam zbog nje izbegavala čak i one najnormalnije stvari," kazala je Lea i dodala da u tom periodu nije išla po restoranima niti je letela avionom jer sedišta nisu bila "po njenoj meri":


@leahhopehealth It’s been almost 2 full years. I know losing 200lbs naturally in 2 years sounds fast to a lot of people, but it didn’t feel fast. 🙈 The days felt long. I constantly asked myself if this is what I really want. Do I really want to change my life? Do I really want to implement healthy habits? Do I really want to put in the work and the time? Is it worth it? It’s more worth it than I could have ever imagined. I wonder if I could have given myself a glimpse into what life would be like 2 years into the future when I started this if I would have still had the same doubts. Probably. Because when you’re starting, it feels impossible to not look at how far you have to go. When you’re starting, you’re focusing on what you have to give up. When you’re starting, you’re putting in the work without seeing the results. I found a path that worked for me. Starting small. Shifting my mindset. Implementing one habit at a time. Finding movement I enjoy. Creating simple and easy, healthy meals. Having accountability. Journaling. And more! But I’m not going to pretend like it’s not hard. It’s hard. It’s challenging. It’s exhausting. But it’s also rewarding. And it’s life-giving. And it’s worth it! 🥰 #healthjourney #weightlossjourney #weightlossprogress #weightlosstransformation #naturalweightloss ♬ Landslide - The Young Escape

"Život mi je sada mnogo bolji, ali to nije zato što sam bliže standardima lepote, već zato što sada mogu da radim ono što me ispunjava. Bogatija sam za iskustva, odnose, nove prilike, a imam i više energije, izdržljivosti, snage, sposobnosti i samopouzdanja. Moj život sada je pun radosti," otkrila je Lija .


Takođe tvrdi da, umesto da je njena težina ograničava, sada ima slobodu da bira šta će da radi.

2. Osnažila ne samo telo već i duh

"Dugo sam zanemarivanjem svog zdravlja opravdavala time da to nije ništa strašno jer se posvećivala umu i emocijama. Tek kada sam izgubila kilograme, shvatila sam da različiti životni aspketi međusobno nadopunjuju," završila je Lija.




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